Max size of compiled individual program is 65000 bytes
1300 lines as below produces that much code
x := x + y; x := x + y; x := x + y; x := x + y; x := x + y;
Size of program may be checked by creating ‘dummy’ Fx2020 into project and adding only one program into it
Size of whole project max 500000 bytes
Compiling project produces following output:
Code size in bytes: 2200.
Number of segments: 8.
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) - S:\LAITOS\DEMO\SOFTPLC\$GEN$\FX2020\FX2020.PCD.
Optimize for speed if necessary
Using ‘size’ optimizing Fx2020 uses one second for program
i, j : dint;
FOR i:=1 TO 50000 DO
j := j + 1 ;
Using ‘speed’ optimizing improves performance a lot, one second is used for program
i, j : dint;
FOR i:=1 TO 2000000 DO
j := j + 1;
However there are couple of limitations with ‘speed’ optimizing
Selection must be done to whole Fx2020
Compiled size is ten times bigger than ‘size’ optimized code
Step by step debugging does not work
Because of bigger size, download is slower
Recommendation: ‘size’ optimizing is usually fast enough, so use ‘speed’ optimizing only when you really need it.