Activating alarm forwarding
Base setup of Email is done in ‘Settings - EMail’
Alarm printer baudrate (19200) is set in ‘Settings - Ports’
GSM modem baudrate (19200) is set in ‘Settings - Ports’
Create alarm device(s) where you want to send alarm event
Create alarm group and select alarm device(s) for it, you may have several lists selectable by time schedule
Select alarm group to alarm point
Starting from version 7.63 it is possible to define which events will be transferred using an alarm device. Selectable events are:
Change of lock state
Change of point state to specified state
However, all events are saved to alarm log as before.
Another substation#
Starting from version 6.00 it is possible to use one of the Fx2020 stations as alarm forwarding station. This Fx2020 can forward alarms from other stations using same mechanism as it forwards it’s own alarms.
Setup: - Define IP address of the forwarding Fx2020 as SMTP server into other substations. - Alarms are transferred same way as you do when sending alarms to normal email. - See manual page Alarm forwarding - EMail
Forwarding Fx2020 must have alarm group with same name as group that is defined into alarm point that sends the message originally.
This method does not work with DO point alarm forwarding. If you want to use single DO point for alarms from more than one Fx2020 you must transfer DO point states as global point and combine states in IEC program..
Basic settings are made in Settings - EMail page of substation. Since version 8.50 it is possible to define up to five SMTP servers for alarms. Server is selected in alarm device configuration.
SMTP server Local name for this server, user selectable
SMTP server address Name or IP address of SMTP server, given by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Most ISP:s are limiting email sending so that only their own customers can use their SMTP servers.
If you define another Fx2020 as SMTP server rest of the settings below are irrelevant. If the alarm is forwarded to email by target Fx2020 those settings are defined there.
SMTP port TCP/IP port number for server, usually 25.
Sender email address Most SMTP servers are checking validity of sender address and that it is one of their own addresses. Use email address given by same ISP who maintains the SMTP server.
Sender name Free text, eg name of site
Scandinavian characters do not work with all email clients
Message subject Header field of email message eg Fx2020 Alarm
Scandinavian characters do not work with all email clients
/HDisk/Fidelix/Data/Mail must exist in substation.
Autenthicating server#
If SMTP requires autenthication, it is defined here.
Domain Defined if necessary, some servers need it
Username and password Defined always
Some servers require that autenthication credentials and sender email belong to same email account.
Network monitoring#
You can define automatic email that is sent with fixed interval. It may be used as watchdog.
Send interval Sending interval in minutes.
Message subject Subject of email message.
Recipient Email address of recipient.
SMS Message#
Starting from version 5.20 it is possible to send alarms to GSM phones as SMS messages
Install SIM card to ordinary GSM phone
Disable PIN code checking
Define phone number of SMS service center
Test setup by sending a message
Install SIM card to modem
Create folder /HDisk/Fidelix/Data/SMS into substation
Connect modem to COM1 port of substation
Create alarm device of type SMS message
Create alarm group using above mentioned device
Define above mentioned group into alarm points
Starting from version 5.30 it is possible also to use SMS messages for changing and reading point values. Define alarm device of type SMS and activate ‘SMS commands’. Value is changed with message pointname,value and read with message pointname,?
Following modem models are available since version 11.50.19
Siemens MC35
Cinterion MC52
Cinterion BGS2-W
SIM900 (baudrate always 115200)
Tosibox4G (baudrate always 115200)
If 2G network is not available then only choice is Tosibox4G because it works also in 3G network.
MultiLink with GSM modem
GSM modem may now be installed also into serial port 4 of MultiLink if you have problems with signal strength of GSM network. IP address and UDP port 10004 is defined in alarm device programming. Multilink port is configured followingly
Type: UDP to Serial
Return address: ip adderss of Fx
Return port: 10004
Only one Fx is allowed to communicate with certain modem.
Only one modem may be used by one Fx.
Fx may use modem in serial port or with MultiLink. Not both. When SMS alarm device has IP address and port defined it activates mode “Use MultiLink”.When mode is changed Fx must be restarted.
New features in version 11.38
Four backup phone numbers may now be defined in SMS alarm device. If message cannot be delivered to phone then same message is sent to next backup number.
DO point#
Starting from version 5.80 alarms can activate relay output without IEC program
To activate feature:
Create alarm device of type DO point
Selection Unacknowledged sets DO point to state one if any of alarm points in group are unacknowledged
Selection Active sets DO point to state one if any of alarm points in group are active
Selection Both sets DO point to state one if either of conditions above is true
Select this device to an alarm group
Select some alarm points into group
Works only when DO point is in state Auto and it has no time schedule
Starting from version 10.25 it is possible to send alarms through ISS system.
ISS alarm transfer device is connected to COM1 of Fx station. ISS personnel configures device for Fidelix compatibility.
Device simulates SMS modem.
Create alarm device (eg. name ISS)
Type SMS message
Choose any phone number eg. 12345
Use AlarmTemplate-10.txt as template file
Select events 0..6 and acknowledgement to be sent
Create alarm group (eg name ISS) using ISS device
Define the group into alarm points
Each alarm point must have unique “Alerta alarm number”
Create text file AlarmTemplate-10.txt and copy it to folder /HDisk/Fidelix/Data in Fx.
File looks like this:
Example SMS message looks like this
Starting from version 9.32 it is possible to send alarms also through Alerta system by Telia/Sonera
Setup: - Create alarm device of type Alerta
Define IP adress and port (usually 5053) of Alerta Terminal
Create alarm group using Alerta device
Define the group into alarm points
You can also define unique alerta alarm number for each alarm point